Performance Management FAQs

Staff Performance Management

It is the process of establishing clear expectations, monitoring progress, providing feedback, and developing the skills and abilities of employees to achieve organizational goals. It involves a continuous cycle of planning, monitoring, reviewing, and improving individual and team performance. 

We heard you! This was one of the most cited areas for improvement in the Faculty and Staff Climate Survey and through employee feedback. In support of enhancing the Employee Experience, we want to ensure this important process is more efficient and effective. 

The key FY25 goals:

  • simplify and streamline the process 
  • increase regular employee/manager feedback throughout the year 
  • update technology functionalities to facilitate the process 
  • develop and communicate new ways to recognize and reward good performance 

Rensselaer will be separating performance evaluations from annual pay increases and replacing historical “merit” with a uniform percentage salary adjustment for eligible faculty and staff.  The percentage will be communicated in June. Staff with a rating of “Improvement is essential for success” will not be eligible for the flat percentage salary adjustment.

To allow leaders to focus their energy on employee development and growth during the annual Performance Evaluation process. We’ve learned that the Institute’s financial allocation for “merit” does not significantly differentiate pay adjustments based on overall performance and has minimal impact on performance recognition.

FY’25 Faculty and Staff Salary Adjustment Program

No. There will be a uniform percentage salary adjustment for eligible faculty and staff for FY’25. The percentage will be communicated in June. Staff with a rating of “Improvement is essential for success” will not be eligible for the uniform percentage salary adjustment.

It is approved by the Rensselaer Board of Trustees and based on the financial well-being of the Institute.

The Institute recognizes the importance of rewarding high performance. Developing more impactful ways of rewarding and recognizing performance with a more holistic approach is one of the Division of HR’s top FY’25 priorities. We will engage the campus to better understand how employees want to be recognized and rewarded for going above and beyond. Please feel free to email Louis Padula, Acting VP of HR, at 


No, faculty promotion and tenure will continue in accordance with the faculty handbook.

We are looking at ways to reimagine this important event.

Current Annual Staff Performance Evaluation Process

Annually, leaders are required to complete a formal written performance appraisal for assigned staff based on established performance standards outlined in the Performance Management Tool (PMT), behaviors demonstrated based on the core competencies of the position, and their accomplishment of portfolio initiatives and individual goals.

The annual evaluation period for staff is April 1, 2023, through March 31, 2024.

This year’s deadline for submitting final performance evaluations to the Division of Human Resources is May 24, 2024.  

Managers should complete staff performance evaluations using the current Performance Management Tool (PMT) and should include:

  • Evaluation of performance based on:
    • Established performance standards
    • Core competencies of the position 
    • Accomplishment of established Portfolio initiatives and individual goals
  • Measurable goal setting for next rating period 
  • Professional development opportunities

Managers should then meet with their staff to review, discuss, and execute the evaluation.

Your Portfolio Business manager will receive a link to the Box folder to collect final signed evaluations. Please work with your Portfolio Business Manager to ensure all of your final signed staff evaluations are uploaded to Box (individually). 

The rating scale for annual evaluations is as follows: 

Exceeds Standards – Staff evaluated in this category consistently and substantially surpass performance expectations of their assigned position. Typically, staff rated at this level have implemented new and innovative programs, implemented a new administrative process, and practice that benefited the Institute and Portfolio economically and substantially improved the delivery of administrative and academic service. 

Successful Performance – Staff evaluated in this category consistently meet the position's requirements and the staff member performs the assigned responsibilities in a fully satisfactory and reliable manner. The staff member’s performance is consistent, resulting in a regular, ongoing achievement of the established standards for the position. Performance in this category enhances the opportunity to achieve the initiatives of the Portfolio and of the Institute. 

Development Is Necessary to Meet Standards – Staff evaluated in this category may need to learn and develop new skills or they are new to the job. Progress toward complete competence and successful performance in the position is expected by the following rating period. 

Improvement Is Essential for Success – Staff evaluated in this category have failed to meet the job's established performance and attendance standards and behaviors.

  • A performance evaluation with this rating must include a detailed written plan for improvement. Supervisors can contact Will Fahey, Manager of Organizational and Professional Development, at (518) 276-2318 or for assistance with developing a Performance Improvement Plan.

Yes. PMTs should be reviewed annually at a minimum. For changes, please contact James Dorsey, Sr. HR Specialist, Compensation Analyst, at or (518) 276-6737.

No. Rather than having the employee use their PMT, consider asking them to respond to questions such as: 

  • “In your view, how do your responsibilities support our department’s strategy?” 
  • “What would you consider your most important contributions and accomplishments during this rating period?” 
  • “What (skills, knowledge or abilities) have been most important in achieving those accomplishments?” 
  • “What do you need to do to enhance your performance further?” and, 
  • “How can I assist you during the upcoming rating period in achieving your goals?”

Leaders are responsible for establishing position performance standards, setting individual goals, and for communicating regularly with their assigned staff about their expected individual performance, the accomplishment of initiatives, and career development. In addition, leaders are responsible for providing coaching and feedback when necessary to improve an employee’s job performance, as well as ensuring employees have the necessary tools, resources, and training to perform their job effectively.

Employees are expected to actively communicate with their immediate supervisor about their individual job performance and are expected to take an active role in their own career development, be accountable for their behavior, and to pursue excellence in the job they perform for the Portfolio and for Rensselaer.

Performance Management Resources

The Division of Human Resources has many resources for supervisors. A few resources are listed below. Supervisors can contact Will Fahey, Manager of Professional and Organizational Development, at (518) 276-2318 or to see what is available to best support your specific need. 

  • Live Workshops: “Conducting Effective Performance Reviews” The Division of Human Resources offers a 90-minute live workshop that explores best practices in managing performance and Rensselaer’s program. Contact Will Fahey to sign up!
  • Rensselaer’s Online Learning Platform, Percipio, can be accessed with RCS login information:
  • Individual Development Plan (IDP) Template: This tool provides structure to clearly outline goals and activities that will allow the employee to grow in directions of interest, while contributing to the needs of the organization.

For individuals who wish to take an active role in their career development, Rensselaer offers a wide range of opportunities including both blended learning and self-directed programs:

  • Employees can explore thousands of learning opportunities in Percipio, Rensselaer’s Professional Learning Center, to get you started on developing your own personalized plan.
  • Employees can access the HR website or contact HR for information on Career Ladders.
  • Employees can access current job openings on the RPI Careers site. More than 25% of all posted staff vacancies are filled by internal applicants!
  • Individual Development Plan (IDP) Template: This tool provides structure to clearly outline goals and activities that will allow the employee to grow in directions of interest, while contributing to the needs of the organization.

Pay Adjustment Methods

There are several ways an employee’s pay can be adjusted. All forms of pay adjustments are offered and based on the financial well-being of the Institute:


Pay adjustment based on individual employee performance and/or achievement. For merit pay to be a successful compensation strategy, there should be clear metrics and KPIs that align with organizational goals and provide a significant difference in pay adjustments to reward top performers. 

Flat Percentage Salary Adjustment
An across the board pay adjustment for eligible faculty and staff.  

Salary Equity Adjustment 
Pay adjustments based on external market factors and the financial well-being of the Institute. 

Warranted when an employee moves to a higher-level position, typically through a competitive recruitment process, and based on factors including experience, internal equity, external market competitiveness, and the salary budget for the position. 

*Faculty promotion process is outlined in the Faculty Handbook.

Warranted when there is a significant change in the duties and responsibilities of the position that typically results in a new position title and based on factors including experience, internal equity, external market competitiveness and the salary budget for the position.

Date last updated: 5/22/24

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