Performance Evaluation and People Development

To: Rensselaer Staff and Faculty
From: Louis Padula, Acting VP for Human Resources
Re: Performance Evaluation and People Development

As a result of the input received from the campus climate survey conducted in 2021 and extended engagement with faculty and staff, we have made transforming our Performance Management Process and Rewards and Recognition Program a priority for FY ’25. This is the first of many steps the Division of HR is taking as it reimagines the employee experience.

These two topics rose to the top in the Faculty and Staff Climate Survey, and we heard you loud and clear! In support of enhancing the employee experience, we want to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in developing, supporting, acknowledging, and providing career pathways for employees.

First, we will be separating performance evaluations from annual pay increases. This allows supervisors/leaders to focus their energy on employee development and growth. Our goal is to build a process that allows for continuous feedback and measurement.

Supervisors/leaders will continue to complete staff performance evaluations using the current Performance Management Tool (PMT) for this past rating period. During FY ’25 we will be working to streamline the process and enable ongoing meaningful feedback using technology.

Second, during FY ’25, we will be exploring impactful ways to reward and recognize faculty and staff who go above and beyond in their roles. This will allow us to introduce new tools to recognize high-performers and support those who might need assistance achieving goals. We encourage you to share your feedback and provide input on how outstanding employees should be recognized and rewarded. Feel free to email me at to share your ideas!  

Therefore, for this year, as a transition, effective July 1, 2024, the Institute will award a uniform percentage as an Annual Pay Adjustment (replacing our historic “Merit Pay” program) for eligible faculty and staff. The percentage will be communicated in June.

We are also in the process of building out leadership development programs for leaders at all levels. Our focus on leadership and collaboration aims to nurture professional growth and cultivate a team culture. We will begin rolling out these programs in the coming months.

We recognize the importance of building organizational trust, accountability, and leadership and are excited about these changes. Please check out the Frequently Asked Questions on the HR website for more information. These will be updated regularly as we receive questions.

Thank you all for your dedication to Rensselaer!

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